1, The three Sundays
2 * Meeting Start families
3 * Confession, S. Mass, procession
4 * Lunch for
7 14 In the three Sundays in the liturgical celebration on January 21 reflect together on parish community with three questions:
- The parish community: it is?
-La parish community: what does it do?
-The parish community: who does?.
2 °
Cell life of the parish community is the family.
parish and family are closely related and interact with each other.
E 'therefore need to meet, you listen, and cooperate
in achieving some goals that are common.
For this reason, the idea of \u200b\u200bmeetings systematic ,
monthly possible to start an effective collaboration
between the parish community and the community family
begin meetings with the recurrence Patron Saint Marcello ..
We arrived on Friday 19 January at 21.00.
Sunday, January 21, feast of St. Marcello
We appropriate, in this year, move the celebration of the feast of St. Marcello to Sunday January 21 with three phases that involve our religion:
- 10.00 -Ability to confess
-11.00 am -Celebration of the Eucharist
-hours 11.45 - PROCESSION
4 *
Community Lunch
to 13.00, in the lounge S. Marcello, do lunch.
E 'necessary booked by Friday, January 19 .
contribution for lunch : 5 € . This figure was made possible by contributions from the District IV which deserve our thanks.
Letter to Families and entry form to the lunch 21/01/2007 (the site located in the parish)