The fear of God in the test Sirach 2.1 to 18 mini-pitch 2 1 Son, when you come to serve the Lord, prepared for temptation.
2 Set your heart right and be steadfast, do not be hasty in time of calamity.
3 is joined to him and do not, because you may be honored in your life.
4 Accept whatever happens to you, be patient in the painful events, 5 because
with fire gold is tested, and acceptable men in the crucible of pain.
6 Trust in him and he will help, follow the straight and hope in him. 7
who fear the Lord, wait for his mercy, not diverted to avoid falling.
8 You who fear the Lord, trust in him, and your reward will not fail.
9 Ye that fear the Lord, hope for good things, for everlasting joy and mercy. Consider
10 generations go and see: who ever trusted in the Lord and been disappointed? Or who ever persevered in the fear and was abandoned? Or who ever called upon by him and was overlooked?
11 For the Lord is gracious and merciful, he forgives sins and saves in time of tribulation.
12 Woe to timid hearts and to slack hands, and the sinner who walks along two ways!
13 Woe to the faint heart, for it has no trust this will not be protected.
14 Woe to you who have lost patience, you will do when the Lord punishes you?
15 Those who fear the Lord will not disobey his words, and those who love him will keep his ways.
16 Those who fear the Lord seek to please him; and those who love to eat their fill of the law.
17 Those who fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, take the soul and humiliate them in front of him. 18
Let us fall into the arms of the Lord and not in the hands of men, because, what is its size, so is his mercy.