Another "good impression" Here's how to get to know our beloved country in Italy.
Another deep wound inflicted on the already dying Dasa! Any
enough to get angry ...
not with journalists who do their dirty work, but with whom she opens her mouth to let air where it should be the brain. But
who lives to make certain people? (Source: of May 16, 2008)
SENT DASA (Vibo Valentia)
The villagers of Dasa, a handful of houses immersed in the dense vegetation of the province of Vibo Valentia, can count on a few things: the stones of the old mill, the memory of the cinema closed decades ago and hope, one day, become caretakers. It is the dream of a country and crown is not impossible. All you need is a fellow school assumed the office of some big cities, for example Turin, provide a list of names and that's it. In recent years, by DASA, started dozens of families at a time in Turin hinterland. The country is unpopulated. Whole buildings are empty. The streets are shuttered and a carousel to find a craftsman has become a problem.
'games will be seventy families - says an old man in the country -. All the north, in Turin. But now I will see. Uh, if they come back. " And then whispered: "They did a scam." The history of fraud, here, know it all. Until recently it seemed the manna fell on the village of Dasa. The householders were called repeatedly by the school in Turin. Whole nuclei were moving, children in tow. Neighbors and family helped to make bags and then off, emigrants to the north, to a safe place. Then someone noticed that something was wrong. Those names included in the ranking of the various staff Ata blocked by the theory in 2001, started to jump out. The Prosecutor opened an investigation, and have started flocking to the deletions.
Now, about 1269 people who do not have a brother, a cousin, even a neighbor who has been caught? "Bidellopoli, they called it," explains Peter Sorace, fine physique and manly spirit. Peter plays cards in one of three semi-deserted bar of the country. The church bell strikes the half-past three in the afternoon. "Here in Calabria so, you know - Peter continues -. I am registered as unemployed, protected category. Waiting for a call for 15 years. In the meantime I have seen pass in front of people registered in the category regular people who had lower scores, friends of friends. " Only recently, in the Province, exploded another scandal: dozens of people hired without competition.
is playing with Peter Nicholas, an unemployed 30 year old: "My brother took him as caretaker. But now he is employed, not striking out the most. However, he did well, this is not working. If I had been given the guarantee of a steady job, I would have paid: € 15-20 thousand. " And meanwhile the country is depopulated. Joseph Harri is the last remaining shoe in the neighborhood. If somebody has no shoes to be repaired, including Dasa, Arena, Arquaro and dynamic, must come from him. There is no work nor for me. I was once janitor and then ...». But how well you? "Yes, yes, five years. With the substitutions. Then, to stay, they asked me to give part of salary. I made the sign of the umbrella and went back to the country. " Iacone lives by the parties in Via Verdi. Around his house - he says - now there's at least a dozen abandoned houses.
The shutters are bolted through the list of deleted and you understand why: dozens of names come from Dasa, Arena, Gerocarne, Soriano, Sorianello, Arquaro. The families here have names that everyone knows: the Covalea, the Panetta, the Zappone, the Bono, the workers, the Mina ... Someone did the coaches, someone else the builder, the young master. There's even a big landowner, owner of an oil mill and oil mills. Today the farm is deserted. Woodworking, beginning of the country, is closed. "And so say those who knew how to work," says a villager. Among the striking, even an entire family: father, mother and two children.
Manna, for DASA, has a name and surname. It is a neighbor a few years ago he left the country and having had some trouble with the law in France, was taken to the administrator of Turin, where he worked for seven years, becoming a sort of employment agency for his countrymen. In the village is said to took the money, but he has always denied, "Only good heart, I helped those in trouble." The evil, however, argue that an election return, there has been. .
Nobody has ever worried that it could come to the surface. The first director of the board of Turin is here. But it is not the same one who deleted the names? "We know that at some point there was a problem in the rankings families that had been taken after they had higher scores. There was a fight. "
The dream of becoming caretakers was broken. But many will be in Turin: who knows not reopen rankings. Scope and aprons are always at hand, in the closet. And in the land empty, Dasa, is now increasingly difficult to return.