Tuesday, November 18, 2008

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If there is still someone who insists Berlusconi is not completely deficient, this post will also attempt to change his mind ...
I wonder how he does the brain generate a nano dell'ignobile such vast quantities of unhealthy ideas, bizarre and absolutely fuoriluogo on official occasions!
The list is long and every day something is going to come together in this list, make the list is almost impossible for two reasons: it would be too long and makes me uncomfortable to recall the many fool that Italy has suffered because of knight.
I want to remember only the most egregious:
  • the altercation with the German delegate to the EU, Schultz, with the punchline kapo of Nazi concentration camps.
  • horns made to the French foreign minister during an official photo at an EU summit
  • an invitation to marry a beautiful young and wealthy, as the son, to have a guaranteed future aimed at a student TV
  • the gesture of the machine gun to a Russian journalist who had asked a question "uncomfortable" with Putin (in Russia as if the journalists do not really make out like flies)
  • the joke about Obama, two days after his election, which contained a not so veiled racial bell'insulto
And now he is doing? In the midst of recession economy begins to make "cuckoo" from behind a statue to tedeska Chancellor Merkel?


If there is anyone in solidarity with "us" who think that this site may be of interest: http://www.notspeakinginmyname.com/

See ya

Friday, October 17, 2008

Where Can I Get A Pet Platypus

blog was

declare officially dead the blog!
Despite the care received has ceased to be attended by his few friends!

Soon the decision whether or not to close ...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

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I joined immediately and without delay.
Loiero Every minute that the junta remains in office for any further damage from Calabria. Join


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kates Playground In A Strawberry Bikini

's time to turn!

I just realized that to not always be the last wheel of the cart must roll up their sleeves and to get busy ... The Arenes
have always been more cohesive about us ...
with aquariums are moving better and better, so much so that even now organizing a party for expats who started on the site ...
because we fail to do something together?

The idea is crazy:
a day, one in which to meet to meet, talk, meet, drink, eat, laugh and have a feast!

no flags and no divisions.
We'll make it for once?!?

Only once ...
and maybe can be the foundation for something new ...


(this provocative message will be posted at all sites and forums dasaesi!)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Diagram Of Parts Of A Sunfish

linked new site ...

If we make room for our own sites because they do not do it with the "neighbors".
Oh well that there was once a healthy hatred of parochial between Dasa and aquariums, but times change ... or not?
list of links I have added your site to Acquaro put online from my good friend Dominic.
It 's really well done and gustbook is very popular.
Ah, for those who do not realize it was there also a link to Trivuli and Godiani, located on Arena. Visit them
and comment ...

also take advantage of this post to give a little incentive to authors and to the few visitors, give me some ideas on what to write here because the ideas are scarce at the moment!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Menopause Or Pregnancy Quiz


I decided to give some space to the new site of the cultural dasaese, so I asked my friend Peppi yoke to send me a few lines as a slideshow.

quoted in full and without changes ...

Dasaese Cultural Association was founded in 1983 by a group of citizens by deep values \u200b\u200bof friendship, cooperation and love for their country and traditions.

The purpose of the Association is to raise awareness to the community to preserve, enhance, disseminate and pass on the historical and artistic heritage of the country. It also aims to revitalize the culture and traditions dasaesi, aware that the rediscovery of local customs and the study will serve to better understand the present and deal with more experience and wisdom to be weighted. And all this because we have to offer what we received in our turn.

We urge the means at our disposal to a revaluation of many ideas and concepts always lazily accepted and we appeal to your reason to accept being challenged in the name of a constructive cooperation, the absence of prejudice and desire to advance.

Our invitation is to avoid the passivity and indifference to embrace an active and concrete action for the preservation of historic and artistic heritage dasaese and hope for a better future, working assiduously for the enhancement and development of our territory.

This site was created with the intent to become a meeting place for everyone, including migrants, and through the internet want to feel part of life and traditions dasaesi. Among other things, we strive to provide updated information regarding
activities sponsored and organized by the and offer an archive of images and movies characteristic of places and events as well as songs traditional dasaesi .

further aim of the site, beyond a mere information content is to be a space for discussion and reflection for those who seek to contribute to local development and improvement of activities of the Association. We invite you to express your suggestions, knowledge and advice in the forum

Monday, May 19, 2008

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Another "good impression"

Here's how to get to know our beloved country in Italy.
Another deep wound inflicted on the already dying Dasa! Any
enough to get angry ...
not with journalists who do their dirty work, but with whom she opens her mouth to let air where it should be the brain. But
who lives to make certain people?

(Source: lastampa.it of May 16, 2008)

SENT DASA (Vibo Valentia)
The villagers of Dasa, a handful of houses immersed in the dense vegetation of the province of Vibo Valentia, can count on a few things: the stones of the old mill, the memory of the cinema closed decades ago and hope, one day, become caretakers. It is the dream of a country and crown is not impossible. All you need is a fellow school assumed the office of some big cities, for example Turin, provide a list of names and that's it. In recent years, by DASA, started dozens of families at a time in Turin hinterland. The country is unpopulated. Whole buildings are empty. The streets are shuttered and a carousel to find a craftsman has become a problem.

'games will be seventy families - says an old man in the country -. All the north, in Turin. But now I will see. Uh, if they come back. " And then whispered: "They did a scam." The history of fraud, here, know it all. Until recently it seemed the manna fell on the village of Dasa. The householders were called repeatedly by the school in Turin. Whole nuclei were moving, children in tow. Neighbors and family helped to make bags and then off, emigrants to the north, to a safe place. Then someone noticed that something was wrong. Those names included in the ranking of the various staff Ata blocked by the theory in 2001, started to jump out. The Prosecutor opened an investigation, and have started flocking to the deletions.

Now, about 1269 people who do not have a brother, a cousin, even a neighbor who has been caught? "Bidellopoli, they called it," explains Peter Sorace, fine physique and manly spirit. Peter plays cards in one of three semi-deserted bar of the country. The church bell strikes the half-past three in the afternoon. "Here in Calabria so, you know - Peter continues -. I am registered as unemployed, protected category. Waiting for a call for 15 years. In the meantime I have seen pass in front of people registered in the category regular people who had lower scores, friends of friends. " Only recently, in the Province, exploded another scandal: dozens of people hired without competition.

is playing with Peter Nicholas, an unemployed 30 year old: "My brother took him as caretaker. But now he is employed, not striking out the most. However, he did well, this is not working. If I had been given the guarantee of a steady job, I would have paid: € 15-20 thousand. " And meanwhile the country is depopulated. Joseph Harri is the last remaining shoe in the neighborhood. If somebody has no shoes to be repaired, including Dasa, Arena, Arquaro and dynamic, must come from him. There is no work nor for me. I was once janitor and then ...». But how well you? "Yes, yes, five years. With the substitutions. Then, to stay, they asked me to give part of salary. I made the sign of the umbrella and went back to the country. " Iacone lives by the parties in Via Verdi. Around his house - he says - now there's at least a dozen abandoned houses.

The shutters are bolted through the list of deleted and you understand why: dozens of names come from Dasa, Arena, Gerocarne, Soriano, Sorianello, Arquaro. The families here have names that everyone knows: the Covalea, the Panetta, the Zappone, the Bono, the workers, the Mina ... Someone did the coaches, someone else the builder, the young master. There's even a big landowner, owner of an oil mill and oil mills. Today the farm is deserted. Woodworking, beginning of the country, is closed. "And so say those who knew how to work," says a villager. Among the striking, even an entire family: father, mother and two children.

Manna, for DASA, has a name and surname. It is a neighbor a few years ago he left the country and having had some trouble with the law in France, was taken to the administrator of Turin, where he worked for seven years, becoming a sort of employment agency for his countrymen. In the village is said to took the money, but he has always denied, "Only good heart, I helped those in trouble." The evil, however, argue that an election return, there has been. .

Nobody has ever worried that it could come to the surface. The first director of the board of Turin is here. But it is not the same one who deleted the names? "We know that at some point there was a problem in the rankings families that had been taken after they had higher scores. There was a fight. "

The dream of becoming caretakers was broken. But many will be in Turin: who knows not reopen rankings. Scope and aprons are always at hand, in the closet. And in the land empty, Dasa, is now increasingly difficult to return.

Monday, May 12, 2008

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Yuck ..... ani !!!!!

I feel a great sense of vergogna.In a normal country, made by ordinary people in the aftermath of statements on Labor Schifani least there would be a rivoluzione.E but what happens in Italy? Niente.Capite that No nothing has happened? nennemo not have a little indignant, even Labor was querelato.E Schifani the defense has been raised on both sides ... that schifo.Sicuramente hours and the system is purged Santoro tornato.Oggi dictatorship you do with control of the mass media, are finitely times of weapons and gear roma.Quindi up today more than ever we must resist, and (personal opinion) the greatest show solidarity with Labor.
That is, if what he writes and says the account is true Schifani understand who is the Chairman of the Senate? It 's the second position in the State ..... well, really hard for me to show my disgusto.Weltroni appeared as the new policy but has proven to be the best Nemco Berlusconi, the Italian mess we are right. I can hardly tell the difference between the majority and opposizione.Che bitterness ....

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

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NEW '!

Dasa The Sports Club won the final play-off and finally goes into category II! After many
takes years to climb to the noble classes of the NLD.


Updated 12/05

The glorious Dasa SS arrives at the final of the playoffs for promotion to the second category!

The second step in him to play against the 'AW Pizzo ...
Take care with those who may be at Dasa in the next two Sundays ... go to support our team!


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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For those who need a brief review of the constitution ... the Web to the rescue, the source is www.quirinale.it

Here are some articles, whole and in part of the fundamental principles that I personally consider important.

Happy reading!

The Constitution of the Italian Republic


Article 1.

Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work.

The sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.

Article 2.

The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man, as an individual and in social groups where he expresses his personality, and demands the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of political solidarity, economic and social development.

Article 3.

All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions. [...]

Section 7.

The State and the Catholic Church are, each in its own, independent and sovereign. [...]

Article 11.

Italy repudiates war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of settling international disputes allows, on an equal footing with other States, the limitations of sovereignty necessary for an order that ensures peace and justice between nations, promotes and encourages international organizations having such ends.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Message For A Wedding Card

what happened to the purpose of the blog?

You want to close my blog?
If your answer is "YES" continue to talk about national politics of Berlusconi and other similar crap. You are becoming boring.
If your answer is "NO" started to talk about our common Dasaesi or even of politics or the election results to Dasa.

Only then restores vitality to the blog.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lorenna Hererra Is Really A Man



am speechless!


Thursday, March 13, 2008

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But how?

How do we entrust the leadership of a nation to Berlusconi as a buffoon?
The news I report is just below straight to fare the worst figures of shit that the best-known inhabitant of Arcore is used to do!
To cite the most glaring is set to:

1) The insult to 'deputy € German Schultz ("the offer for the part of kapo").
2) The horns made in the official picture of a summit of EU foreign ministers.
3) The simulation of a sexual relationship with the traffic warden.
4) The "revolution of the step."
5) and then that his solution to "problems of young women."

source: Repubblica.it 13/03/2008

ROME - Silvio Berlusconi is proposing a recipe against insecurity, and proposes to a girl how to solve problems resulting from the absence of a steady job: to marry a millionaire, perhaps his son Piersilvio. "I think that with her smile if you can not afford, "says Knight to a student yesterday during the heading of TG2 Viewpoint asked him how it was possible for a young couple to start a family without a steady job. never fails to be funny, Berlusconi, even in the face of one of the most dramatic urgency of the country.

Monday, March 10, 2008

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Jose Luis convinces and wins ... We start with the injuries

Source: Repubblica.it, March 10, 2008

MADRID - The PSOE's José Luis Zapatero won the elections but not only widen its majority in Parliament. In the election preceded the murder of the exponent Socialist Isaias Carrasco in the Basque country, Spaniards have confirmed beyond doubt the confidence in the prime minister when they were 95.35% of the votes counted, the Socialists have 43.74% of the vote and 169 seats against 40, 13% and 153 seats in the Popular Party of Mariano Rajoy. It should be stressed that even the People's increased their constituencies and their parliamentary strength. In the fall instead of the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), the far-left Izquierda Unida and the Catalan independence ERC (the latter two political forces have supported the government of Zapatero nelal last term). They hold the moderate Catalan nationalist Convergence and Union. High voter turnout, around 75%, record levels of previous policies, which took place in March 2004 in the aftermath of the Madrid train massacres signed by Al Qaeda.

This is yet another signal to overtake Spain against Italy, which now is a candidate for the role of increasingly lagging behind Europe. I am increasingly disappointed at the way other countries do everything possible to improve the living conditions and we will do everything to worse ...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

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faithfully reflects the republic from the site of today's March 4, 2008:

24:03 Calderoli: "Pd party terun"
"The Democratic Party is reporting as a force for of 'terun', or those who do keep from others and exploit the work of others as demonstrated by the candidates for the House and the Senate of the Democratic Party in Lombardy, where the presence of parachutes from Rome is well over 50% of candidate''says the League's Roberto Calderoli.

I'd like to read the comments of voters in the center of Dasa with this statement.

Friday, February 22, 2008

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Andrea Giuliotti

Friday, February 15, 2008

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Welcome back,
large influx of comments from the last post it was clear that the Matrix (the movie not the broadcast) or no one likes it or none saw it. So
again to give some life to the page, we give the political argument that they are not comfortable, but certainly of interest to many.
Anyone who wants can make a comment on the current situation and the impending elections ...
My comment is that for sure I'll live another day of anxiety as waiting for the results two years ago, hearing the analyst's nexus who do not know how to get on because they are not able to make projections and in the end,
front of the newspaper with the final results,
not understand anything between premiums will remain the majority of votes and moves like a cod! With
open mouth and dilated pupils ...

not know, hopefully good, although I can already see the eighth dwarf radiant and with his plastic smile on his face, while thinking "for the next 5 years will not end up in jail!"

One thing at least is good:
I'll have to go home less than a month after the Easter holidays!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

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new post Have you ever seen the movie "Matrix"?

early Neo is asleep: his conscience, his prisoner dormono.Questo Essence is the initial state in which we are all in the beginning. We think that the body is up because we are noi.Siamo also identified in all that surrounds us, with our anger, pride, greed and the need to assert ourselves, to become important to be appreciated by everyone, but especially umane.Subiamo machines are unable to see the influence of external reality because we are short of addormentati.Siamo ability to do, we accidentally touch a button vita.Ci emotional and jump as the toy out of scatola.Siamo full of prejudices and wrong opinions.
"Like everyone else you were born in chains in a prison that has no bars, which did not odore.Una prison for your mind." Morpheus.E says' within yourself, in your mind that the rules must be overcome. Those who fight beside himself against the windmills, is doomed to fail.
Matrix control, the virtual world is developed, designed a table to keep us under control and convert them all in a pile in a consumer. "As long as the Matrix exists, man will never be free", the man must get rid of his mind , from the lie of his condizionamento.Deve but also free of external constraints, the system operator and which controls it.
The company, since we are born, trying to convince us that we are not nulla.Questo is the task of the Matrix.
Matrix is \u200b\u200bnot only a beautiful film fantascienza.I characters fly, stop bullets, run up walls because they are free from constraints, from rules imposed by reality ... Free apparent.

last Neo scene also urges us to free ourselves of all preconceptions, prejudices, and futility that affect our lives and fight against the rules of the system, we must wake up and realize that we live in a fictitious reality and that this world is making us slaves. Reviewed by Joseph Conrad

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Marzetti's Cole Slaw Dressing

Before you laugh .... and then you think!

If a politician does not keep their promises to their constituents, by not implementing what 'he had proposed to do during his term, not' offense point to it as a 'fool'.
is not, in fact, critical to the person but to its political-administrative. The Supreme Court annulled so 'with a court ruling of conviction for injury, the court Mirteto Poggio, a citizen during a public meeting, had interrupted the speech of the mayor called it 'ridiculous, fool'. Stoats Thus, in 4129, stressed the need to impose limits on the 'verbal continence' that a citizen has to maintain order not to offend a person and take offense. In this case, Mr. Franco, who is accused of insulting the mayor had called his jester, in a meeting convened by the same at the universities' local,''in order to clarify the misunderstandings which arose on an administrative choice'' . In the ruling of the Fifth Criminal Division, remembers that''the meeting had been determined by the climate of strong The political opposition has spread between the council and the inhabitants of a village because of the failure to authorize the mayor to close the road for the development of some cultural events.'' The mayor had called the meeting to give an explanation of his choices, and several people including the accused had offended him with words directed to the mayor as a person, but to its activities' policy. The Court overturned the decision saying the court with the need to specify the meaning of the difference that sometimes take a few sentences that are aimed at those who exercise public power on behalf of the people. Remembering stoats that:''The threshold of continence can 'be considered for if 'exceeded only if the context adopted by the author proves the fact as a pretext for aggression against the person, and actually proving that context, accomplished through an analysis, such as to justify the view exceeded the limit of continence and justify in the reform of the appeal in his favor, giving detailed account of what''

Source: Reuters 28 January 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

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W Benedict the sixteenth .... Italiauno!!

Everything evolves, even dictatorships, but some things remain unchanged and

Fascism in Italy can not return, but the dictatorship television
only one that makes you free to choose which product to buy,
that exists and will return soon more popular than ever.
This time a pope and the church help the emergence of a form of dictatorship
. Again
help the little men back of the strong man.

Thanks to: De Gregorio, Turigliatto, Mastella, Dini, Fisichella.

We are on track. We the voters thing left to do? Nothing
deceive us by promises of Berlusconi and small
local politicians that we promesttono a job. Meanwhile
coliamo to peak, under the blows of unemployment,
depression, toxic waste, pollution,
derivatives and subprime mortgages.
But the important thing is that the Pope speaks to the wisdom and
Mastella Miss and Miss Dini
can be free to do what they want.
Then it does not matter if you die in Vibo
of insanity or a flood, if you die in Turin burned alive, if he dies in Ravenna
suffocated, if in Italy are dying of cancer.
Oh I forgot to blame for everything is of course the Romanians. They
that you have a problem ....

Life is now!
Just do it!