WHO INVENTED THE PASTA?-Who invented pasta?
Cicero and Horace, 100 years before Christ, are fond of làgana (a term that derives from the greek laganoz from which the Latin laganum it designated a dunk flour, without yeast, cooked in water, the plural form indicates làgana strips dough made of flour and water, from which our lasagna). But to let Apicius was the first real documentation on the existence of a compound very similar to our pasta in his "De re coquinaria books fact, he describes a timbale enclosed within làgana . From 200 AD until the year one thousand at least we do not have documented information. It is believed that the Pasta regarded not as composed of generic, but just like macaroni, originally from Sicily in the town of Trabia, near Palermo, the building of a particular food of flour in the form of thread, called by the Arabic word "itriyah" . And even today in Palermo know the vermicelli Tria. Which are also spaghetti invention Arabic? The fact that in Arabic the word for this there was food in the form of thread lets us suppose, but no document confirms it. The word macaroni does not have precise etymology. Often used initially to describe variously stuffed pasta, the ravioli of our model, we then find the word used to indicate macaronis small grooved pasta (1279, document the notary Ugolino Scarpa), the type of "malloreddus" Sardinians. The philologist Agnolo Morosini (about 1400), research on possible origins of the word brings us to two possible etymologies: the low greek Macaria , which indicated a mixture of barley and broth, or the classic greek Macar ie happy, blessed and then the blessed food . Up the eighteenth century there is still a mess, the different types of pasta are usually labeled as macaroni until the Neapolitans, now eat macaroni, appropriate the term and use it almost exclusively drawn to identify long pasta: macaroni fall now feeding almost People's Daily, seen as simple food, poor, but especially nutritious and fast, almost fast-food before its time. Around the early nineteenth century the first photographs showing maccheronari intent on street corners in big pots to cook the food and serve it, just sprinkled with grated cheese and seasoned with pepper, to travelers who eat in front of the bench definitely help the hands. From this point on, macaroni intended as long pasta, round and full, began to be called spaghetti and identify not just the Neapolitans, but all the Italian people.
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